So what happened?
- More than 1 million people have viewed Ed’s Story because people like you have given to Flannel or supported our ministry through the Flannel Store.
- Our films are pointing people to Jesus Christ in 178 countries worldwide, thanks to you.
- BASIC Follow Jesus was shown to 85 prison inmates in Florida, sparking a discussion that lasted more than 90 minutes.
- At a Washington prison, a felon serving 35 years for murder saw Fear God, and that led to his chaplain showing the entire series to more inmates!
- Ed’s Story was shown worldwide on CNN and on NBC’sToday Show. We look forward to it being aired on Ion Television (beginning May 12, 2013) as well as on channels in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
- Ed's Story is also being shown to veterans suffering from PTSD at Walter Reed Medical Center.
- A U.S. Bishop recently delivered two sets of our DVDs to the Vatican in Rome!
As a pastor, I have seen a change in the people in my church from going through the BASIC Series. I believe all churches should watch these lessons, and if they did, we could literally change the world as we did in the early days of the church!The list of people being impacted by films you helped make possible by supporting Flannel Films just goes on and on. Each film is a remarkable investment in spreading the Gospel and helping believers grow in their faith. Our research shows that every single DVD is viewed, on average, by more than 30 people!
You know that film is an engaging, powerful medium allowing us to impact people with sight, sound, color and motion like nothing else. You also know that Flannel Films allow people to feel the emotional impact of how God changes lives with his grace, love and power. Nothing has as much impact today as a film. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and thank you in advance for praying about your continued support for Flannel Films this year.